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« | Main | Obama Press Conference: The Gay Lady Strikes Again »

April 27, 2009


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These people want to cite foreign law because they could literally point anywhere to any law that supports what they want to do. "Oh hey look, X country (thats going down the tubes) just made a great liberal law, lets cite them for precedence" Then the next day when X country either repealed it or made a law that they don't like, suddenly that countries laws would be irrelevant and ignored. Its called cherry picking and no doubt they will start doing it on a daily basis. Laws that the American people would NEVER go for but the supreme court could shove down our throats and call it legal.

Philip France


It is even more pointed than that. Ruth MasterBader Ginsburg has come out in favor of lowering the age of sexual consent to 12. TWELVE! This is the case in many European countries.

These sympathy-for-the-devil "liberals" would prefer John Wayne Gacy to, say, Mitt Romney.

This is the true danger to electing Democrats. The Clinton reign of terror lasted in actuality 8 years. His appointment of lunatic judges like Ginsberg afflict society for generations.

When Ginsburg crosses the River Styx, who will Khalid Sheik Obama replace her with? Anthony Romero?

How far we have fallen when a lunatic like Ginberg is on our Supreme Court? She has no more sense than a Kindergartner in the same position and I would say far less.

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