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October 18, 2008


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Flash...Sources confirm...Barack Is The Devil

Thanks for the great article. You have done us all a great service; first revealing Obama as a Muslim and now as a Socialist. Somehow, I knew you would. As you've said, "the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior." I expect that soon you'll be coming out with the news that Obama is the Boogyman. Keep up the good work. I just love the high tone of the propaganda you put out. You'd be the envy of Josef Gobbels, not that your readers would think that was a bad thing.


Flash, do you actually read any of this material? I've been reading Duke for a while and have also listened to him on the radio and I've never heard him say Obama was a Muslim. Have you? Where did he say this? But this article is very good. Duke has it all sourced. You can check the links and go right to the sources. It looks legit to me.

If BO is a socialist, don't you want to know?



These two quotes below convince you? If not go, back and try to find Duke’s rant about Obama’s Muslim name. Then, count all the times he’s referred to the Senator from Illinois as, “Barack HUSSEIN Obama.”
1.) “By now, everybody knows about the New Yorker magazine cover portraying Barack Obama in Moslem garb and his wife as a terrorist with a machine gun slung over her shoulder. The idea behind it was to satirize people on the right who may be characterizing the Obamas in such a light. Personally, I think such an image would be more accurately labeled a caricature, as I suspect it reflects the Obamas' hearts and souls.”___S. Duke
2.) “Moreover, it should be remembered that Senator Obama is the product of an aggressively atheistic mother and Moslem father.”___S. Duke

Duke is not as dumb as his audience. He understands subtlety and innuendo. He knows how to spin an argument and sell his position. This guy’s no Sara Barracuda. He’s masterful at what he does…


Why shouldn't we be wary of electing a man who may be a Muslim to the highest office in the land? Last I checked we currently have military entanglements with several Muslim nations, and the most horrific terrorist attack in our nation's history was done in Allah's name just seven years ago. Would it have been prudent of us to have elected a known Nazi sympathizer in 1940? Or a Vietnamese national in 1968?

Also, you are correct in stating that B.O. is not a socialist. His voting record is to the left of Bernie Sanders' -- the only self-described socialist in Congress -- so socialism may be a bit too conservative for Barack's taste.



Here's what's problematic with Duke calling Obama a Muslim:

"One who tells lies hides the truth but when telling half truths,you've forgotten where you've put it."


Flash, you word parsing commie moron don't you know by now that HUSSEIN Obama admitted to being a muslim when he was interviewed by stephanopoulos? We know the liberal media was quick to bury this freudian slip but that doesnt change the truth nor half truth. His father was a muslim, his grandfather was a muslim, he was raised as a muslim, he's endorsed by farrakhan the muslim, he lives within 1 mile of farrakhan's house, ayers house, and a radical palestinian professor hamas supporter who likes to have BO for dinner. You've been lied to your whole life so practical people wouldn't expect you to wake up now but don't peddle your filthy lies here. You've a better chance of convincing people that B Hussein O would give 95% of Americans a tax cut eventhough 40% already pay no taxes. Liberalism is Mental Disorder and conservatism is the cure. Drink it up socialist commie pig.



What you lack in originality (Liberalism-Mental-(Michal-Savage)-Disorder; Commie-Moron-Middle-School-Name-Calling-Bullshit) you make up for in your perfect true-believer parroting of the party line. You are an unquestioning soldier of the radical right, marching to the tune called by Duke and his revolutionary buddies. (But, wait just a minute!)

I actually admire Brother Duke. He believes in something he’s thought out and he’s not above using his talent to lead you down the path of his own self interest, even if that means mis-leading you just a little. The problem is Duke’s interest doesn’t coincide with the interest of the majority of Americans.

You’re right; I’ve been lied to my whole life. But, never so deeply and so often as of late. Both sides in the new civil war the United States is engaged in, lie.

Pick the lie that is best for you. If you’re some corporate, BMW driving, joker…then you’ve picked the right lie…OBAMA IS A MUSLIM!


Flash, I did read that quote a long time ago. But I think you're the one who doesn't get the subtlety. Duke was simply saying that the atheist/muslim image reflects Obama's inner self more that his supposed Christianity. Duke may not be as dumb as his audience, but that's no insult. Especially since his audience isn't as dumb as his critics.


That's a fair one. I apologize. I would expect Duke's audience is not, in fact, "dumb." I used that word for effect and not literally. Poor choice on my part. Especially since I've been reading him for a couple of years myself.

W. Tieff

Hey newsFlash,
Why did you start up with this 'Obama's a muslim' and never answer to the point of the article?
These New Party affiliation connections have an insidious smell to them, especially the 'Education' part. Bill Ayers sat on that Annenberg Challenge board and helped seat Barry as the chairman. That was in the 90's, right? Well in Nov. 2006, Ayers was visiting Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and praising the "education reformers" in that country for the good work they've done of disassembling the Capitalism-based curriculum. So the NP agenda is probably still alive and well.
BTW, if Obama is elected POTUS, a whole lot of families and businesses are not going to be looking forward to that day in 2010, when the Bush Tax Cuts come up for renewal. Obama has already pledged to not renew them.

"Thanks for the great article. You have done us all a great service; first revealing Obama as a Muslim and now as a Socialist. Somehow, I knew you would. As you've said, "the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior." I expect that soon you'll be coming out with the news that Obama is the Boogyman. Keep up the good work. I just love the high tone of the propaganda you put out. You'd be the envy of Josef Gobbels, not that your readers would think that was a bad thing."

How is this "propaganda". Duke gave
documentation proving that Obama was a part of this "New Party". By the way, Obama does indeed have a Muslim background (although I strongly suspect, that based upon his "religion and guns" comment that in his heart he is neither Christian or Muslim but an atheist.)


Shhhhhhhhhh! Mr. Duke. Don't you know Oboma's past associates, organizations, voting record, heritage and upbringing have nothing at all to do with who he is. He says he is a good guy, and acts like one, is that not good enough!



Please, who is "Oboma?"

Is he a Muslim too?


Hey Tieff,
Obama is running for POPE? Amazing considering he's a Muslim!

007 ?

W. Tieff:

“POTUS?” --- Give me a break! You sitting there with an earpiece on talking into your sleeve in some arcane code?

POTUS… My… oh my!

(Let me know when the coast is clear Mr. Tieff. Put an ad in the personals of the Washington Post when it’s safe and we’ll meet at the usual spot.)

POTUS….Come on now, really!

W. Tieff

Umm.. i was only abreviating for the sake of speed. Typing out President of the United States uses up bytes, and I am a conservative conservationist! ;)

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