This article first appeared in the June 23, 2008 issue of The New American magazine.
By Selwyn Duke
If you’re like most alive today, you grew up with Paul R. Ehrlich’s Malthusian idea of a “population bomb.” It just seems like common sense that man will increase his numbers inexorably until, one day, we find ourselves living a real-life Soylent Green scenario, sans drama and Charlton Heston to sound that indelible alarm about the real source of a futuristic, overpopulated world’s food supply, “Soylent Green is people!”
Yet truth is stranger than fiction, and a work of reality, hour-long documentary Demographic Winter, is sounding its own alarm: the population bomb is a dud. It always has been. Instead, Earth’s population is poised to implode as birthrates plummet on a scale heretofore unseen in the annals of man.
Read the rest here.
If populations have been
plummetting, why has the
world's population more than
doubled since 1960?
I'm not saying we should be
gullible about all stories about
overpopulation and environmental
problems, but it's equally wrong
to think that everything is hunky dory when it comes to
the environment and demographics. Whether stories about global warming are true or not(I'm not sure myself), or there are too many or too few people,
(ditto), there are genuine problems there, and we SHOULD
be concerned.
Posted by: Robert Berger | September 03, 2008 at 11:45 AM