National File: Video — Black Nursing Home Worker Beats Helpless White Patient as Onlooker Films
High school students are being indoctrinated in ‘white supremacy culture’

The New American: Dilbert Dumped: Hundreds of Newspapers Drop Popular Comic Strip Due to Creator’s “Racist” Remarks

By James Murphy

The iconic comic strip Dilbert is being removed by hundreds of newspapers across America due to comments made by its creator, Scott Adams. In citing a Rasmussen poll concluding that 47 percent of black people either rejected or were unsure on the question of whether “it’s OK to be white,” Adams advised, among other things, that white people should “get the hell away” from black people.

Adams made the remarks on his daily Real Coffee with Scott Adams podcast. (Relevant portion begins at 13:30 into the video.)

Read the rest here.


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